It's November and with November comes that middle child of Holidays.... THANKSGIVING! I do feel bad for Thanksgiving. It seems like stores go straight from Halloween to Christmas, but don't fret my dear Thanksgiving, I have some crafty ideas up my sleeve for you!
For this centerpiece, all you need is:
-plastic wrap
-tea light candles
-two bags of cranberries (depending on size of bowl)
-a large clear bowl
First, fill the bowl three-quarters with loosely balled up plastic wrap
Second, pour cranberries on top (this should weigh down your plastic wrap)
Third, fill the bowl close to the top with water
Finally, arrange tea light candles in the cranberries
And there you have it! A fast, easy Thanksgiving centerpiece!
*helpful hints*
-use a bowl that is elevated so that it stands above everything else
-don't pack the plastic wrap, you want it to be loose so that it looks like ice
I hope that you enjoy your Thanksgiving centerpiece, and stay tuned for more Thanksgiving centerpiece ideas!
Stay crafty,
Sarah P.
P.S. My mommy helped me with this one :)
Lovely as ever! I'd probably burn a few cranberries somehow if I tried this.